Friday, September 10, 2010

EID / Floods / Pakistan Go Green

Pakistan Go Green (facebook page) reached 15,000 fans today, which turns out to be Eid ul Fitr in Pakistan..What better could be expected as an Eid Gift to The Green Team by Pakistan lovers from all over the world?

A hearty THANKS to all who initiated it, pushed it forward, joined and took it to the hearts of thousands of people.

Today, if we just stop for a while and look back into a brief one year old history, it seems as it was a great ride of passion, enthusiasm and inspiration.


If one remembers the Indo-Pak Independence Movement in early 1900s, it were the poets / litterati of Muslims who first started to bring up the core political issues to the masses silently.
Is it a coincidence that exactly after 100 years, in 2009, some sincere, honest and hardworking citizens have taken up the cause of reviving the spirit of Patriotism and love of their fellowbeings - Pakistan Go Green?”

On Jan 7, 2010, when I wrote these lines as a note on Pakistan Go Green’s facebook page , none of us at Pakistan GG had the slightest idea what the new year 2010 had in store for us.
And NOW, as we mark EID Day, there seems no dearth of  violence, suicide bombings, target killings, land grabbing and above all, we witnessed the biggest disaster in our history – a Super Flood, which affected nearly one-fifth population of Pakistan.

 Although, this year, Eid is being spent amidst pain of lost loved ones, homes and other belongings yet each affected individual, be it a man, woman, or children, all are surviving by looking forward to better days.  And they have every reason to do so ...In such a major catastrophe, how can one be able to survive without THINKING POSITIVELY.
A Pakistani blogger Faisal Kapadia, who had been to Interior Sindh for flood relief activities, writes : “I have also seen the resilience of an old man in Shikarpur, doubled over with pain but still in love with this country, claiming that as long as Pakistanis are there for one another - we need nothing else.”

Pakistan Go- Green 

Pakistan Go Green - A mission of reviving hope and love towards our nation, was a small venture of only a few individuals led by Farhan Masood …and after more than a year of its creation, (July 2009) it is still serving as a glowing candle warming hearts and enlightening minds.
It has been a unique campaign in the sense that it was first of its kind on the social media in the entire world.
Kudos to those, who had vision to bring forth the notion of “One Nation- One Identity –Pakistan” at a time, when our identity was being questioned and debated even in the national media. This was the time just a year ago, when being “Negative” and “Critical” was a common trend. Pakistan Go Green boldly came forward and promoted the ideas of “BE POSITIVE” & “BE GREEN”.
PGG turned 85,000+ display pics of people with GREEN colour, not only because it is the main colour of Pakistani flag, but also a colour depicting life, freshness, optimism, and as a sign of a “Go Ahead”.

The “BE POSITIVE” idea, served as a motivating factor when many of us realised the gravity of the situation of flood affected areas even before Independence Day 14th August, 2010. It was not difficult to grasp, that the time for Action was NOW or NEVER.
By seeing this and many more incidents of assistance, gratitude & thankfulness, one can only feel the pleasure of being able to do something for our countrymen.
Also, one can easily make out that now we are entering the stage of RE-BUILDING PAKISTAN and this time, it is bound to be deep-rooted in the society, Insha Allah.

The only thing we must be careful now is not to indulge or support any NEGATIVE or demotivating propaganda, unnecessary favouritism, based on ethnicity, class, status, or personal preferences.

What NEXT ?
We must remember, that revolutions do not come just by one big personality, it is the result of the tireless efforts and sacrifices of millions of people. One of our major mistakes has been that we forgot or even deleted the names of some great heroes from our history books. Therefore, we have no idea, how a country-wide Independence movement reached each and every home. We never heard about our unsung heroes, who personally went to everyone and convinced them to fight for their cause.
Thankfully, now, we have media and especially social media, which can play a vital role in re-awakening of people.
Pakistan Go Green tried to lit a candle and now many candles are being lighted … but as the darkness and hopelessness runs very deep inside our souls, more organized work needs to be done on a larger scale..

The next but not-so-easy stage is “COORDINATION” and “SELF-SUPPORT”. We have to refer back to our history again, when numerous local movements joined together under one umbrella named All India Muslim League, having one agenda which led them to achieve their goal.
Are we ready for this next stage ? -----
Think. Act. Inspire.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Real Pakistanis Are Awesome !!!

Why Hopelessness?
Why is it we just see hopelessness everywhere? Why are we just sure that our future is nothing but darkness and misery ? Whereas at the moment, thousands of men, women and children are working tirelessly for flood relief efforts. Salaried people are donating a part of their hard earned money in relief funds. Little girls are giving away their Eidi or the the shopping money for bangles and gifts to various relief organisations.

Thousands of young enthusiastic volunteers have been working day in and day out to deliver the relief goods to the needy while fasting in Ramadhan. They have reached from the northern mountains to Punjab and then to those inaccessible areas of Sindh, where hardly anyone from urban Pakistan had ever been.

Overseas Pakistanis are more worried than those in the country. There is no place in the world from where the aid is not coming. Tents, food items and cash is flowing in at an unprecedented rate. Airports have hardly any place left to store more goods as there is no organised system of outward distribution.

There have been fund collection campaigns in schools, colleges and universities. Prayers are offered in Mosques, Christian and Hindu community centres.

Online communities and bloggers have also been playing an important role in raising awareness among those not directly in touch with flood victims around the world. Many international organisations and celebrities have asked their fans and followers to help Pakistani flood affectees. New ways of attracting more aid and relief are being thought of …
There must have been hundreds or thousands of incidents which are unheard of yet due to such kind and humane activities thousands of people are being helped.

Real Pakistanis Are Working !!!

How can be we inable people? How can Pakistan be a Failed nation when such generous and hard working are there within us?

Can we think of any other example the way our people have showed passion and shared griefs of their needy countrymen?

We are being labeled as the BRAVEST Nation of the World by Newsweek. It is befitting reply to those who always spread negativity about Pakistani people..

Pakistan’s image has been built by the ruling elite, who were never sincere to their country and always kept a significant distance from their people.
The REAL PEOPLE of Pakistan are great humans and its only they, who can rebuild Pakistan in a positive sense.

The REAL Pakistan is made by its people and they are working !!!

Pakistan is a great country and so are its people… only being hindered by influential and selfish politicians, in achieving its true position in the nations of the world.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Bravest Nation of the World - Pakistan

Air crash, violence, corruption, target killings, Super flood, and what not …. The general sentiment prevailing among our youth nowadays is “What is POSITIVE about Pakistan ? Every day there is a bad news coming. We guess Pakistan is now really failed.”

Look into your hearts and remember when was the last time you failed miserably in some important stage in life… You and everyone related to you could just figure out you could not go ahead because you had FAILED… But as the time passed , you carried on and here you are still working, even progressing and have further future plans.

Its a popular saying that you never FAIL until you THINK so ....

Then, why a big STATE like Pakistan can be FAILED ?… There is nothing like a FAILED STATE in the world.. If one could gather that the term FAILED STATE was coined only for Pakistan, especially after the SWAT crisis in 2007 in some media reports… Its only we , who are carrying this as a guilty feeling, otherwise if you see things POSITIVELY , then the world is actually observing this in awe and envies our braveness and the ways of survival. Some of the reports of our bravest behaviour are :

Locals use stones, sandbags to stave off flood 

Donkeys come to the rescue in Pakistan floods

Death visits relief camps for flood victims

Flood victims help each other to cross a damaged railway 

The world is also watching and has not turned back on us .. No doubt, it has taken a little more time to gauge the magnitutde of the destruction, but now the aid is flowing in and people, including various celebrities are raising voices to help this nation in peril.

Recently Newsweek has called us as the BRAVEST nation of the World !!!

Now, the rest lies on us, the people of Pakistan… Its time to leave behind the losses and pain of this massive disaster of our history….and start REBUILDING…

We just cannot sit idle and hopeless at the bank of rivers watching the washed away fertile soils and lands and lost homes.. There are humans left who need our help and encouragement. A huge responsibility lies on the urban society, mostly unaffected by he floods, to come forward, raise hope for future among the flood affectees.

The HELP criteria may be advertised and publicized by the word of mouth, even in the areas known for any terrorist breeding or such culture. Especially very young boys can be motivated to help rebuilding their own towns, to disengage them from questionable activities.

Remember, this is a great lesson of unity, sacrifice and hope for us and we have no choice except to learn from it.

Lets change ourselves forever … and start from our homes cutting down our unnecessary expenditures, showing off wealth and luxuries, living a simple life and setting an example for our children… They are the ones who will reap the fruits of our efforts and then pass on the tradition to the next generations…

That is the way, PAKISTAN will always be a SUCCESSFUL state.. May Allah help and guide us. Amen