Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Where We Went Wrong? - The Leadership Crisis in Pakistan

 ( Image Courtesy : Pakistaniat.com)
“The leadership of Pakistan needs to stop dithering and provide the reason for the people of Pakistan to have confidence in the democratic process. Military might on its own is not sufficient to eradicate extremism from the country. The civil government has to provide its support in alleviating the miseries of people through proper governance, sound policies and jump-starting the economy.” [A Leadership Crisis in Pakistan ~ The Nation, Dec 01, 2009]
These are the words we see in the editorials of various newspapers of Pakistan more or less everyday. The words of Extremism or Terrorism are spoken as the hallmark of this 63 year old country, which was created in the name of Islam or Peace.
We have been through such a lot that now no one even wants to sit and think about what went wrong and where. However, out of all the suffering and misery we should think beyond that and  try to come up with a reason for hope, peace and well-being of people.

Lack of VISION :
Nobody can deny that the root of all such problems is nothing but a lack of vision and foresight among the most influential people of the country. Keeping in mind the fact that we have a very educated parliament, what is the reason for this lack of vision?
Actually, its not the fault of our elected MNAs or MPAs, as many of them have been associated with different political / religious groups, which have hardly carried out or made use of any significant research on the present or future structure of the society. The extremism prevalent in our society is one of the consequences of this lack of vision or self centered attitude of our leaders. If such an attitude continues, God knows, what other big miseries will be in store for us.

It is becoming evident with each passing day, that many of our highly qualified youth, either leave the country for a better future or are brain washed and used for some other motives by ill wishers of this land, already in a fragile state.

Global Vision:
On the other hand, the international economic trends are in our favor, as Asian countries are beginning to experience the economic shift to become global powerhouses. The issues of extremism and backward infrastructure are posing an immense threat to this futuristic phenomenon to make inroads in our society.

People of Pakistan have great potential in terms of understanding, caring, sharing and settling the issues themselves. Just because of this lack of foresight on the part of their leadership, the whole nation is being labelled as suspects or terrorists. It is also undermining the real potential of our most talented youth. The age of feudalism has long gone. The age of information and communication is here. We should make its maximum use for bringing up the practical solutions to our everyday problems.

What is needed now?
A large chunk of Pakistani peoples has been deprived of quality and affordable education, resulting in the  rise of extremism and pessimism about the fate of this country. A sense of belonging and hope needs to be awakened.
What can be done from now, is to provide QUALITY EDUCATION , making it compulsory and a clear VISION for future with a constructive and positive approach. Give them education with a purpose and they will emerge with the treasures that could never be dreamed of. Being educated will make them stand on their own feet, make their own living and never to beg or rely on false promises by self interested elements.
We need new leaders who don’t create followers but more leaders at all levels. The new leaders will be passionate about the VISION of their homeland. There will be clear, concise communication about the vision of a BETTER PAKISTAN ardently delivered which could ignite people of Pakistan to a cause above themselves. That is what we should look forward to and work for…May Allah help and guide us. Ameen ! PAKISTAN ZINDABAD !!!


  1. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Peoples party was Marvelous todays's peaoples party sucks...

  2. Good productive thoughts. I will just add that education is one of the requirement but first of all you need to provide food, clean water, clothing, place to live (Roti, Kapra aur makaan) and self respect to all those who have been deprived of their basic rights in our country.

    If the stomach of the person in not full, he will then not mind even in snatching food.

    Our leaders lack vision as their sole attention is to make sure that their own bank balance along with their co party workers keep exploding at a very high rate (of course at the cost of their own people) as they are not sure themselves that they would survive for 5 years or not.

    God helps those who help themselves..

    We need to help ourselves as no foreign entity will come to fix our country.

  3. Please note that leaders are always born from within the people. When we give examples of great leaders of the past whether they belong from Islam or the West you will note that the people who they lead had pretty much the same qualities and characteristics as they themselves.

    You will not see that the people are lazy and corrupt and their leaders are the complete opposite of them. They will serve as the image of their people albeit they will have stronger thinking and decision making skills.

    Leaders are the ones who give vision and set the objectives for their people. They are a source of inspiration for the nation. Due to these skills they have achieved so much in the world.

    We must fix ourselves first. We must instill self respect and ethics in our nation to start rebuilding our selves.

    May ALLAH help us all.

  4. We lack leaders because we haven't groomed them since our inception as a country. Take any aspect, avenue or institution of Pakistan, whether it is politics, sports or just consumer protection, you will find that we do not have honest, committed and dedicated people at the helm of affairs. The reason is quite simple, some leaders are born to lead but rest are groomed, to lead by example.

    My solution for this crisis is to take young mounds, that are not yet influenced with corruption, nepotism and other malice of our society, educate them about what is right and what isn't, teach them justice and empathy and groom their civic sense. You will have your leaders. Alternatively, wait for a revolution that brings forth a leader amongst the masses, but then we have to collectively pay the cost, as such revolutions feed on blood.

  5. This is an effective mind provoking effort and the point raised are appreciated but it is a fashion in Pakistan to criticize the leadership, I am not defending the leadership it is true that they are moving in a wrong direction but what do we expect from the leaders of a country who are under a millions of dollars of aids and loans. Most of the leaders are puppets in other's hands for example if a person owe some once debt and he cannot even repay than he has to listen to the debtor for so many things,he is not free of doing what ever he want. We can not only blame the leadership because we can see every day, every one is corrupt from a clerk to a top manager.
    Darasal Aaway ka AAwa hi bigra hua hai. May ALLAH give us Strength to stand together as a nation rather than as an individual to protect the home land. Pakistan Paindabad.

  6. Tody we have not a single true leader. All are self made and working for won bank balance.

  7. The title of the picture is "Who did the most good?"

    instead it should be

    "Who was the least bad?"

  8. i regretfully say that all the leaders of pakistan after jinnah were power hungry they did not take interest in public affairs and the problems of masses.whatever they have done for country there personal interests were behind the scene...
